2 Hair Treatment Recipes That Keep Hair Looking Its Best

Whip up your own haircare conditioner and masks at home with these herbal remedies as the main ingredient. Not only will your hair look softer, glossier and healthier, but you’ll tackle some of the root causes that lead to split ends, thinning, breakage and even balding. If you want to not only avoid hair loss but also rejuvenate your hair’s appearance, try one of these homemade recipes.

1. Amla Hair Rinse

Also referred to as Indian Gooseberry, this supplement’s antioxidants promote collagen production which is essential for growing new hair.

In this recipe, you’ll also find lemon juice. The gentle, acidic nature of the juice helps clear away clogged hair follicles and dead skin cells that might be preventing new hair from growing. In a mixing bowl, combine 2 tsp of lemon juice with 4 tbsp of amla dehydrated powder. Mix thoroughly, then massage into your scalp and let it soak in for 15 minutes before rinsing and washing.

2. Rosemary Hair Oil

Your hair will immediately look softer and have a voluminous sheen to it after using this moisturizing hair oil. You might never go back to your regular conditioner!

Rosemary oil doesn’t just give this homemade treatment a beautiful scent, but it also helps rejuvenate your scalp health and reduce scalp inflammation that could kill off your hair follicles and lead to baldness.

Combine 10 drops of rosemary essential oil with 3 tbsp of a carrier oil, such as coconut oil. Massage into your scalp and leave in for 45 minutes before rinsing out with warm water.

Repeat these two treatments twice a week and you’ll see results immediately, starting with healthier hair. And in a few weeks, you might start to see new hair growth as your scalp is restored to a place of health.

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