3 Easy Ways To Slow Down Hair Loss

Losing hair can be a cause for concern and worry for most men and. Hair loss is a serious issue that should not be ignored. Even though hair loss is often seen as a sign of aging, you may lose hair if you suffer from ailments or stress.

If you notice thinning hair or a receding hairline, all that you need to do is to take some simple measures to reduce hair fall easily.

Feed Your Hair a Balanced Diet

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals from your diet can result in hair loss. If you want healthy hair, you need to feed it a balanced diet. One way to start is by checking your protein consumption. Proteins are often known as the building blocks of hair, and adequate intake of protein-rich food can prevent hair fall.

Vitamin A and Vitamin B12 are vitamins that help hair growth. Leafy vegetables, mango, and papaya are good sources of Vitamin A. Consume milk and other dairy products to get adequate quantities of Vitamin B12.

Pamper your scalp with massage and essential oils

Massage your scalp with essential oils for just a couple of minutes daily to promote hair growth. The essential oils will prevent damage and are an effective remedy for hair loss.

Wash your hair to keep it clean

Wash hair regularly with mild shampoo products, so that you can remove dirt from your hair and scalp. A clean scalp lowers the risk of dandruff and other infections. Do remember to shampoo and rinse gently as hair becomes weak when it is wet. Avoid combing your hair when it is wet as it can easily break.

Sleep well and avoid stressful situations to reduce the risk of hair loss. If your hair loss is sudden and continuous, you may have to visit a dermatologist to diagnose the cause. Most hair loss problems can be easily solved if they are diagnosed early.

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