6 Common Hair Loss Myths—And the Truth Behind Them

Hair loss is a charged subject. While hair is only a dead protein growing from your head, it is the source of confidence—and self-consciousness—for countless men and women, and is often considered a mark of beauty or masculinity. With so much importance placed on it, hair loss is plagued by misconceptions—some of them grounded in a degree of truth.

#1. Hair Loss is Only Common to Men

Women can suffer from hair loss just as much and as often as men. Men are typically targeted as the sole sufferers because it is usually easier to notice and more difficult to disguise, given the typical balding patterns of men. Women also experience drastic hair loss due to illness, injury, or age, in the form of thinning hair or hair that falls out in large clumps.

#2. Hair Loss is Irreversible

Happily, hair loss is not a lost cause. Using light therapy and specific medication can help your hair grow back, as well as eliminating the sources of your initial hair loss. Some forms of hair loss are considered irreversible, but most can be treated at home or with the help of a physician such as a dermatologist.

#3. Lifestyle Primarily determines hair Loss

Unfortunately, your hair habits are not the primary determinant of how quickly your tresses will make their escape. Instead, this is typically determined by genetic factors. A balding or thinning parent does not guarantee that you will lose all of your hair, but a strong family history of balding or thinning does significantly increase your risk.

Lifestyle and hygiene habits do factor into your risk of losing your hair prematurely, but genetics are the most powerful decision-maker.

#4. Curling Your Hair Will Make it Fall Out

Curling your hair does not affect the root system responsible for hair growth. Excessive heat styling can, however, cause your hair shaft to grow brittle and dry, which can lead to breaking and the appearance of thinning hair. To prevent thinning of hair shafts, heat styling should be kept to a minimum.

#5. Supplements Will Fix Your Hair Loss Woes

There is no single supplement that has a definite link to stopping or reversing hair loss. Many people swear by B vitamins such as biotin to keep hair strong, lustrous, and thick, but this link has not been proven in any long-term study. Instead, supplements should be used to optimize health and may, as a consequence, improve hair health.

#6. Diet Is Unimportant

Your diet forms the building blocks for your body. Consequently, your diet plays a large role in how healthy, thick, and strong your hair is, and has a part in determining how quickly your hair thins or falls out. Instead of relying upon supplements and outside treatments, make a habit of choosing healthy, whole foods to minimize inflammation, hormonal flares, and other health problems that could negatively affect hair growth.

[expand title=”References“]

Health. Accessed 10/2/17.

Prevention. Accessed 10/2/17.


3 Best Vitamins for Thinning Hair

Hair Loss Prevention Tips for Men and Women