Can You Predict the Results of Your Hair Loss Treatment?

Hair loss treatment can take a long time. Even the most effective treatment plan won’t have the same effect on everybody.

So is there any way to predict the results of your hair loss treatment before you start? How do you decide which type of treatment to choose?

Treating Hair Loss with Minoxidil

Minoxidil solutions are among the most popular treatments for hair loss available on the market today. This treatment is typically used to reverse the effects of male pattern baldness but women can use it as well. You can get minoxidil as a foam and you should apply it to your scalp.

This type of treatment is effective for around 30%-40% of the population. Why does it only work for some people and not others? Medical science doesn’t have the answer to this question yet.

However, doctors have created a diagnostic kit that can help you predict the results of your hair loss treatment. This diagnostic kit is still in a testing phase.

Why Is It Important to Predict the Results of Your Hair Loss Treatment?

If the diagnostic kit turns out to be effective, it can help people save a lot of time. After all, minoxidil treatments last at least four months before there is a noticeable effect. It can be disappointing and frustrating to put so much effort into treating your scalp and then find out that minoxidil doesn’t have any effect on your hair.

Furthermore, reliable testing could make it easier for scientists to find out why this treatment is only effective for some people. If the diagnostic kit becomes widely available, it will change the way people think about minoxidil.

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