Hair Loss Causes In Women

Having a good hair style compliments a person’s look and style. Whether women have long or short hair, some women like to try different hair styles. Both men and women are self-conscious about losing hair. Hair loss in women isn’t as noticeable as in men, but women do experience hair loss. Some more than others, its natural over time.

Hair loss causes in women are slightly different than in men. While, the same reasons are still relevant such as, the use of medications, diseases, stress, mechanical causes, and genetics, the reasoning for the cause is slightly different. Noticeable hair loss in women can be much more devastating than in men due to cultural norms and stereotypes. Taking medications such as birth control, anabolic steroids, antidepressants, and tranquilizers may contribute hair loss. Tight braiding, use of rubber bands, tying hair up in buns, turbans, and wearing hats, are mechanical causes that may contribute to hair loss.

During pregnancy women may experience thicker, fuller hair, because during pregnancy the rise in hormones in the female body go up, keeping women from losing hair. After delivery, hormones return to normal, this may cause a rapid period of hair loss. About 60% of hair goes back to the telogen phase, hormones levels returning to normal cause the hair that didn’t fall out during pregnancy to fall out. Some women may experience rapid hair loss during this time. The hair loss usually peaks 3-4 months after pregnancy. This hair loss is temporary, as hair follicles rejuvenate themselves, and hormone levels adjust, hair growth returns to normal. This may take up to six – twelve months. This hair loss may be referred to as Telogen Effluvium.

Telogen Effluvium can also occur after a major surgery, drastic weight loss, or extreme stress. Signs can be seen if there are large amounts of shed hair after shampooing, styling, or brushing hair. During Telogen Effluvium, hair goes from normal to “resting”, then into the shedding or telogen phase much faster than normal. In women, noticeable hair loss due to telogen effluvium occurs 6 weeks to 3 months after a stressful event. At the peak, handfuls of hair can be loss.

Diseases like Auto Immune diseases can cause hair loss in women. These types of diseases may cause hair loss due to fluctuations in hormonal levels. Women can also lose hair due to genetics. It can start as early as 20’s for some women. The gene is inherited the same way for women as men, from either parent, mother or father. Women with this type of hair loss will notice thinning of hair at the hairline behind the bangs.

Hair loss is a normal and natural process, a part of life. Some women, experience signs of hair loss in their 20’s, while other women don’t experience hair loss until their 60’s. There are things that women can do to slow down hair loss, and take preventative steps to keep a fuller head of hair.

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