The Do’s and Don’ts of Hair Packs

Hair packs, also known as hair masks, offer several benefits. They replenish dry hair, combat split ends, and can help you if you applied a touch too much dye during your last treatment.

Pay attention to these do’s and don’ts of hair packs to get the most out of them.


Consider your hair type when choosing your pack. Damaged and dry hair benefits most from a nourishing formula, whereas packs that contain clay combat greasy hair. You won’t see great results if you choose the wrong pack for your hair.


Leave the pack on overnight. Hair care products have come a long way in a short space of time. Leaving modern hair packs on overnight could actually damage your hair, plus you have to deal with the mess afterward. Most packs need no more than 10 minutes to do their work.


Comb after applying the hair pack. An even treatment offers the best results for your hair. Use a wide-toothed comb, as fine-toothed combs may remove the pack from your hair.


Overdo it. Again, think about your hair type before applying a pack. In most cases, you shouldn’t need to use a hair pack more than once a week. However, you should apply a pack after every shampoo if your hair has lots of split ends, or is really dry. Remember that shampoo washes the pack out.


Focus on the middle and ends of your hair. Applying heavy hair packs to your roots can deplete your hair’s bounciness, making it look flat and lifeless. Hair packs benefit the middle and ends of your hair, which are most prone to damage.


With these do’s and don’ts of hair packs, you’ll get the most out of the treatment. Always consider your hair type before buying and applying, and ensure you focus on the correct areas.

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