The Hair Loss Shampoo Breakthrough

With the advent of topical treatments of baldness, one would have thought that a hair loss shampoo would have been a “no-Brainer” invention. In reality, there was no such product on the market in the early 1990’s as topical solutions were generally available by prescription only.

When the topical solutions finally became available as an over the counter product, there was essentially released in the same packages and bottle as the prescription version. In time, creative minds prevailed and creative products such as hair loss shampoo made their way to the market.

The most hair loss shampoo is loaded with ingredients that can even be ingested orally in supplement form (no, this is not a suggestion to anyone to eat the shampoo!) such as saw palmetto.

In the shampoo, ingredients such as this can absorb into the scalp and work their magic in the same way as they would if they worked their way through the bloodstream after being eaten.

This brings up the obvious question: is it better to purchase a hair loss shampoo or is it advised to purchase the supplement tablets and ingest them? Well, results may vary for different people so making a blanket endorsement of one of the other would be foolish. For some, hair loss shampoo will be preferred.

For others, hair loss dietary supplements will be preferred. As always, personal preference will be the deciding factor as to what is or isn’t “more effective.” It would probably be best advised to invest in both methods.

Using the hair loss shampoo at regular intervals combined with taking necessary dietary supplement will surely provide an excellent means of combating hair loss. No, this does not mean ingesting any product to excess for stacking a ton of products all at one time will lead to better results, but it does mean that adequate and sensible combinations of different methods may lead to a breakthrough.

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