The Potential Causes of Hair Thinning and Hair Loss

Did you know that it is normal to lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day? If you are losing more than that, hair loss may become an issue you need to deal with. But what are the potential causes of hair thinning and hair loss? Let’s take a look at the main ones:

Family History of Hair Loss

Male and female-pattern baldness can be hereditary, meaning that you are genetically predisposed to go bald. This type of hair loss happens over time, with some men experiencing thinning hair as early as in puberty.

Hormonal Causes

Hormones impact on hair growth, so hormonal changes can lead to hair loss. Included here are thyroid issues, which may also lead to hair thinning and hair loss. During pregnancy and the menopause, many women also experience hair thinning and hair loss.

Medications / Chemotherapy

Many cancer patients lose all their hair during chemotherapy. In addition, drugs for heart disease, depression, arthritis, the birth control pill, and high blood pressure medication can also be among the potential causes of hair thinning and hair loss.

Alopecia Areata

Also known as patchy hair loss, alopecia areata describes a condition where the body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles. When suffering from this condition, people experience sudden hair loss and find smooth and round bald patches.

Scalp Infections and Skin Conditions

Though only temporary, scalp infections can lead to hair loss. In addition, skin disorders like lupus may lead to permanent bald patches.

Excess Use of Harsh Hair Products and Hair Styling

Harsh hair styling and certain hair products may also lead to thinning hair and hair loss.

Stress and Emotional Traumas

If someone is under a lot of stress or suffers a severe shock, she/he may experience hair loss.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have the potential causes of hair thinning and hair loss. If you are losing more hair than you think is normal, we recommend seeking advice from your physician.

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