Try 3 Effective Cinnamon Masks For Hair Loss

Since old days, we are using cinnamon as a medicine, and today it is worldwide famous for its numerous benefits to hair apart from health. Beta-carotene present in it prevents hair loss. This renowned spice contains antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial properties as well as compounds like eugenol and trans-cinnamic acid that helps to treat issues like as treating hair loss, cleaning scalp, strengthening follicles, etc. Try to use the organic one is it is much better and 100% safe for your hairs. Its oil massage on the scalp cures dry hairs strengthens follicles and fights off fungal infections.


3 Effective Cinnamon Masks For Hair Loss


Tip 1: Cinnamon + Olive Oil

This mask will boost blood circulation, and due to its antibacterial properties, it keeps the scalp and locks healthy, free of infection and adds natural shine.

You Will Need:

a) 2 tablespoon organic olive oil
b) 1 teaspoon cinnamon



a) Take hot olive oil and mix it with organic cinnamon powder.
b) Now partition your locks and apply mix over the scalp.
c) Gently massage it for 10-15 minutes.
d) Rinse out the mix off with shampoo.
e) Use this paste one time every week.

Note: You can also add honey to it.

Tip 2: Cinnamon + Honey

You Will Need:

a) Cinnamon
b) Honey
c) Hair balsam



a) Mix cinnamon and raw honey depending on the thickness and length of your hairs.
b) Add hair balsam to this mix.
c) Apply it over wet hairs using a brush by sectioning it off.

Note: Avoid applying the mixture to scalp and face.

d) Make a bun of your hairs and cover it using a plastic bag till it thoroughly dries.
e) Wash your locks many times with water till the cinnamon get washed from locks.
f) Finally, use shampoo and conditioner.

Tip 3: Basil + Cinnamon Serum

You will see the results in 1 week.


You Will Need:

a) 3 cinnamon
b) 5 to 6 cloves
c) Few basil leaves
d) Pinch of thyme powder
e) 3 cups of water



a) Boil cinnamon and basil leaves in water for nearly 2 minutes.
b) Add thyme powder and cloves. Boil it for another 3 minutes.
c) Cool down the liquid and strain it out.
d) Store it in a bottle and use this hair fall rescue serum daily.
e) You can use this remedy each night and rinse it off next morning.


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